Wednesday, April 29, 2009
100 - yeeeeej

Evo, moja stota objava. Na začetku sem mislila, da je ne bo, pa mi je bloganje kar malo zlezlo pod kožo :)
btw, 3 dni nazaj sem se končno naučila tudi vstaviti "visit counter". Prej sem vedno v googla napisala: people counter, pa mi nikoli ni bilo jasno, zakaj mi ne vrže ven nobene strani, kjer bi si brezplačno lahko poštimala to zadevščino. Dokler nisem par dni nazaj pri fantu spala in kar naenkrat me je presunilo (ko sem še spala..), da vedno narobe vpišem v iskalnik :DDD.
naštimala sem si Toboads oglase. Imate kaj izkušenj z njimi??? Se dejansko zasluži kakšen €. Sama sem si jih nastavila bolj iz firbca, kot pa iz želje po zaslužku, ker nekako sumim, da je ni :D
Zaenkrat sem v dveh dneh zaslužila 17 centov..!! :D Denar pa mi bodo nakazali šele, ko bom imela 40€. :D Tako da sumim, da bom najbolj redne bralce in klikerje na oglase lahko čez cca 5 let peljala na kavo - če ne bo takrat kava v naših preljubih lokalih dosegla še višjo nenormalno ceno :D
Torej, na plan z željami, pohvalami, kritikami, pripombami, ..
(no, malo lahko upoštevate dejstvo, da sem še dokaj nova na sceni, da ne boste prestrogi do mene :DD)

Danes je tak super dan - kot narejen za učenje. Dež pada, nobenega ni zunaj, vsi so zaspani, nič se jim ne da,... Meni pa tako vreme paše. Ravno takrat, ko se okoli mene nič pametnega ne dogaja, se lahko učim. Ker ničesar ne zamudim.. :DD
Mika me samo, da bi si prebrala e-knjigo Twilight. Pa si nekako ne upam, ker po pričevanju prijateljic ne moreš nehati, ko jo enkrat začneš brati. Ste jo že prebrale?
Danes zjutraj sem tudi "prebrala" knjigo Preklestvo v zlati kletki (dramatična zgodba Urške Čepin, napisana pod peresom nane Zanelli). Ja vem ja, tako sem bila proti, a me je premamilo in sem rekla soforumašici, naj mi jo pošlje na mail. Moje mnenje: Loooooooooooooooooooooool. Preskakovala sem poglavja, samo da sem bila skozi. Na vsaki strani je drugače itak samo ene par besed- sedaj končno razumem, kako jim je uspelo knjigo raztegniti na tako veliko strani (blizu 200). Na sredi je par strani fotografij - nedolžna Urša slikana v takih in drugačnih položajih :DD
In ja, knjiga je napisana na nivoju osnovnošolskega spisa. Najbolj v dobro voljo so me pa spravile besede: kurvešta, seksulja, ... :S
simpatično sličico sem dobila tukaj
Which one looks worst? :D
Savvy Traveler: How to Get through the Airport in Style
Monday, April 27, 2009
When it comes to traveling, the one thing that most people dread most is going through the various airport security and counter check-ins. But it doesn’t have to be such a pain. So long as you prepare in advance and stick to plain manners and fashion you should hopefully be able to get through with no problems at all. We’re going to provide a few helpful hints that you can use to make your next trip go smoothly.
First off, you want to make sure to be adequately prepared and organized. This sounds like a pretty obvious hint, but it is surprisingly how much a sloppy packing job can cause problems when going through security. If you pack neatly and leave larger items (such as laptops) in an easily accessible area, it can save a lot of aggravation for both yourself and the TSA screeners.
Since many airlines are charging for check-in luggage, it’s always tempting to travel with just carry-on luggage, such as backpacks and briefcases, as this saves both time and money. But just make sure to know what you can and cannot place in carry-on luggage. Sporting goods and tools need to be checked in, as do knives, scissors, and other sharp utensils. Most significantly, make sure that all liquid and gel containers are less than 4 ounces. This can cause problems with a lot of toiletries, and I’ve certainly the past have had to be held up for carrying on a full-sized shampoo bottle or water bottle, which can be quite the hassle for yourself, the TSA employee, as well as the people waiting behind you! Fortunately most pharmacies offer toiletries in airline-approved sizes, as to airport shops (although they’ll charge you an arm and a leg).
Believe it or not what you wear can also make a difference when it comes to airport travelling. In this case, the key is to dress smart, but simple. The fact of the matter is, you are more likely to be randomly screened if you are wearing flashy clothing or clothing that someone might deem offensive, and the same can be true if you look like a slob. Dressing simply and neatly will solve this problem and will also enable you to travel more comfortably as well.
Along with the limitations on liquid and gel containers, the other big post-9/11 security change is that all passengers are required to take their shoes off when going though checkout. So it’s best to opt for flip-flops, slippers, boat shoes, loafers, or any type of footwear that is easy to remove and put back on. You certainly don’t want to be that guy holding up the screening line because you are wearing boots or other footwear that’s hard to take off! Similarly, make sure not to wear excessive jewelry or earrings, as these will have to be taken off for screening as well.
Above all, the important thing is to remain calm at all times; this is the true hallmark of a savvy traveler. Sometimes you might find yourself stuck with unforeseen delays and complications, even if you arrive early and have everything organized. Maintaining your cool, having a polite veneer, and following the golden rule will make travelling less stressful, for both yourself and your fellow travelers.
Technorati Tags: Man Fashion, Travel With Style, Travel Luggage
Malo sem pogooglala in ugotovila da je vse res :D
Moja krtača je sicer namenjena podaljšanim lasem, vendar mi jo je frizerka priporočala, ker je res super za uničene konice (nekako ti jih zgladi, da izgledajo bolj "zdrave). V glavnem super je..
Ta znamka tudi sicer sploh ni draga (krtača okoli 7 funtov, pri nas seveda 12€).
Hayden-Inspired Dramatic Bronze
Sunday, April 26, 2009

I love this...it's so versatile and is also a great bridal combo!
Products used:
MUFE Mat Velvet+ foundation in Porcelain
MAC Prep+Prime transparent finishing powder
MAC Cork eye shadow (brows)
Urban Decay Primer Potion
NARS eye shadow duos in Kalahari and Cordura
MAC Blanc Type eye shadow
Urban Decay Liquid Liner in Perversion
Stila Eye Kajal in Onyx
MAC Plushlash in Plushblack
MAC Peachykeen powder blush
MAC Fabby lipstick
MAC dupes for the Nars shades:
Kalahari duo: Grain, Amber Lights
Cordura duo: Bronze, Romp
*These are just a few recommendations. Since both duos contain fairly common colors, there are so many similar colors you could use! :)

malo pomoči prosim :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009

btw. imam en nov programček, kjer lahko skupaj mečeš slike, jih urejaš,.. zaenkrat se še malo lovim.. tako da kolaži niso ne vem kako super :S
h&m norija
Ok, verjamem da si pač želijo en dizajnerski kos.. samo da se ljudje napol pretepajo.. da čakajo 12 ur pred trgovino, da se odpre... TO JE PA BOLNO!!
Tukaj je vsa norija v eni od h&m-ovih poslovalnicah opisana tudi časovno.. Najbolj bolno mi je to, da so celo odštevali.. loool no, ne moreš odštevati in čakati dvanajst ur pred trgovino zaradi ene majice :S Pa še kolekcija ni nič posebnega, samo znano ime se je podpisalo pod njo..
Da je v dvajsetih minutah zmanjkalo vse..
Ali pa tole:
10:20 a.m.
The sales clerk regales me with the story of a woman who emerged from a fitting room in a leather jacket asking, "Does this fit me?" A group of girls waiting in line respond on cue: "No, it looks ugly and it does not fit you!"
ahahaha.. konec solidarnosti :DDDD
10:09 a.m.
A group of women are found huddled in the store's menswear department, bartering their pile of items. "I'll trade you this belt for that bag."
si kar predstavljam :S
Ali pa da možu narišeš mapo in risbo majice, ki si jo želiš, ter ga pošlješ v roj besnih žensk..
Bi se šle boriti zraven ali se vam vse skupaj zdi ena velika bedarija?
tuji modni blogi prvič
Alice in Wonderland - punca obvlada plastenje. Nase ponavadi "nameče" po deset kosov, vendar na koncu izpade kot čudovita celota
Karla's closet - top blog. Punca ima res dober stil in neomejeno blazerjev :D
Sea of shoes - zelo mlada bloggerka, ki se pri svojih 17ih letih pojavlja po modnih revijah v vseh državah. Da o številu njenih čevljev ne govorim..
Nitrolicious - tukaj lahko izveste vse modne novosti.
fashion toast - basic oblačila + zanimivi dodatki delajo čudeže!
Berete modne bloge? Kateri so vam najljubši?
MAC Rose Romance : Purchases & Review (and a few other MAC items)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Overall, the lipsticks really stood out to me. What appear to be seemingly boring colors are gorgeous and so wearable.
The lipglass and eye shadow shades were nice, but similar to stuff I already had. I decided to skip them. None really called out to me.
I also decided to skip the cheek stain. It was nice and I may eventually pick it up, but I just don't really use products like that all that often.
The beauty powders were really pretty, but only the darker shade showed up on me.
As for the See Thru Lip Colors...I was a bit disappointed. First off, they all weren't the transparent gel, stain-like shades as they were in the past. Two colors actually were not "see thru" at all, but frosted and opaque in the container. The formula is called a (translucent frost) which describes the payoff it delivers pretty accurately. On the lips they are very sheer and still behave somewhat like a stain. After sitting on the lips for a few seconds, the moisture disappears and the color is totally dry and matte with only a slight stain and a bit of frost left behind. Not much payoff, but pretty when followed by a clear gloss. Most disappointing was the small container. They used to be the same size as a lipglass. Now they are in the small containers similar to the minis in the holiday sets....and STILL $14 each.
The pigments were pretty. I already had Mutiny from a previous collection, so I picked up Circa Plum. Such a gorgeous wearable purple shade.
I also picked up some stuff not from the collection, so don't get confused if you see some items out of place in the pictures :)
See Thru Lipcolor in Loving Touch, $14

Monthly Favorites
But no worries. They're especially good. I'm probably jumping the gun here, but a couple products might even make my annual "Best Products" video for 2011 which I post at the end of December in place of that month's favorites. Can you believe how fast this year has gone by? Insane.
Hope you all had a wonderful month of October!
Make Up For Ever Foundation Review/Comparison: HD vs. Mat Velvet+

A review of the MUFE HD foundation, turned into a little showdown with the MUFE Mat Velvet+ over the past few months.
Product Info:
MUFE HD Invisible Cover Foundation $40 (I'm shade 118)
MUFE Mat Velvet+ Foundation $34 (I'm shade 30/Porcelain)
Man Fashion: Is Fedora Hat In or Out?
Let me briefly share some historical background of fedora hat. A fedora is a soft felt hat that is creased lengthwise down the crown and pinched in the front on both sides. The term fedora was in use as early as 1891. Originally a women's fashion into the 20th century, the fedora came into use in about 1920, as a men's upper-class clothing accessory. Its popularity soared, and eventually it eclipsed the similar-looking Homburg by the 1930s. Fedoras can be found in nearly any color imaginable, but black, grey, tan, brown, and red are the most popular.

Although the fedora became popular 30 years after the cowboy era (1865-1890), the use of fedoras is common in most TV/movie westerns. The fedora is widely recognized with the characters of The Blues Brothers, Indiana Jones, and Freddy Krueger. The fedora is closely associated with film noir characters.

If you are still not convince, just look at the recent 2009 Spring/Summer collection put up by various fashion designers, you will have the answer.
Photo: men.style.com
Technorati Tags: Man Fashion, Designer Hats, Designer Fedora Hats
mw part 2
Drugi del te kolekcije mi izgleda bolj obetaven. Na police pa pride 14. maja. Takrat tudi (zaenkrat) nisem napisana da delam, tako da bom pomoje skočila pogledat.
Dobra stran je, da ni tako pavje :D

spletno nakupovanje
theOutnet - par dni stara trgovinica.. izbire je vedno več. Stvari pa si lahko kupite tudi do 80% znižane.
yoox - vedno imajo veliko lepih kosov.. imajo različne cenovne razrede. Vsaka stvar je pri njih že tako ali tako znižana, na te cene pa so ponavadi še dodatni popusti. Včasih imajo tudi kakšne posebne akcije npr. brezplačna poštnina.
asos - Super trgovina! Preden do nas kakšni bolj ekstremni kosi pridejo, so tu že znižani :D Stvari dobite v parih dneh. Imajo pa stvari od 5€ pa tudi dražje znamke (Cavalli)
thebodyneeds - super stran za naročanje vzorčkov MAC-ovih pigmentov..
Ko bi bilo vsaj res..
Govori se, da bo naslednja h&m-ova dizajnerska kolekcija nastala v sodelovanju z Angelo Missoni. Upam, da se bo iz te govorice kaj izcimilo.. Ker obožujem Missonijeve kose, vendar ni denarja, da bi si jih privoščila.. Tako da, če bo res kaj iz tega bom v zgodnjih jutranjih urah v prvi vrsti pred h&m-om na Čopovi :DD
Business Inquiries/Freelancing Information
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
*Only serious, business-related inquiries will be read and answered.
Man Fashion: Eco Sunnies, anyone?

Technorati Tags: Man Fashion, Eco Sunnies
Kateri so vam najgrši?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dior Chiffre Rouge D01

Chiffre Rouge watch - D01 has an articulated arm for the protection of the steel threaded crown - renewing the principle of asymmetry in the collection.
D01 has automatic Swiss ETA movements, which can be seen through the transparent caseback in dyed sapphire crystal.

The case is 42 mm in diameter, 46 mm with the articulated arm. It is water resistant up to 300 meters.
You could argue that the Chiffre Rouge is a modern classic and not to be messed with. But I liked the oversize Arabic numerals. Of course, get one if you have spare cash.
Technorati Tags: Man Fashion, Dior Chiffre Rouge D01, Designer Watch
Balmain evforija

Kamorkoli pogledam se govori o Balmainovi kolekciji za pomlad poletje 2009.
Zanjo je značilen:
- strgan jeans
- ramena krojena na poseben način
- čevlji - za njihove knock offse smo se lahko borile v Zari, preden jih niso dali ven iz prodaje.. sedaj pa se na ebayu prodajajo za veliike vsote..

- veliko zvezd je norih na oblekico brez naramnic..
Sama bi imela takoj te salonarje in pa jakno v njihovem stilu, le brez visokih ram :D
Btw, cen rajši ne bom omenjala :DDDD
celotna kolekcija
Posnetek iz modne revije