His live “Torpedo of Truth Defeat is Not an Option” show in Chicago Sunday night was almost as bad as his debut show in Detroit on Saturday night.
Once again, fans listened to stories about smoking pot and partying with rock stars but tonight Sheen took questions from an onstage interviewer, and there was more structure then last night.
He talked about spending millions on prostitutes and smoked cigarettes profusely the entire show. He also said he could see a time when he returned to Two and a Half Men. Yea right.
All-in-all, it seemed to be a better show than last night. There was no booing, hissing, fighting, and yelling like in Detroit.
Related: Charlie Sheen’s First Live Show BOMBS Big Time – Crowd Boos Through Entire Show. Review
One unhappy fan related:
“It was not that funny. Chicago is known for some of the best comedy and Improv in the country and this was just an insult to our city”
The show appeared to have changed somewhat
But in the end, it was Charlie Sheen on stage in front of 3,600 booing audience members listening to him ramble on about tiger blood, winning, Adonis DNA, trolls, Vatican assigns, crack cocaine, whores, and partying.
After the show, Sheen took to his Twitter account saying:
"#TruthTorpedo hello windy city..!!! Thank you for the HERO's welcome!! I'll bring it... c"
This is actually a little eerie as things are progressing just as we suspected they would last week when we contemplated what Sheen might have up his sleeve.
Related: Critics Worry about Charlie Sheen's Upcoming 'My Violent Torpedo of Truth' Live Shows – Is He Ready?
What Is The End Game?
Unfortunately, we now have to ask “What’s next for Charlie?”
Does he finish his remaining 18 live shows?
Does he bail out and walk away from the whole mess?
Can he get out without being sued by a 1000 people?
Does he, can he, go back to Two and a Half Men?
Will he end up in the hospital?
Will he even make it out alive?
We don’t see ANY WAY he can complete his commitment for the remaining shows.
If he falls off the wagon and starts smoking crack or doing meth again – this will just hasten his trip to the emergency room.
TicketMaster and LiveNation have made it clear however (in the fine print on tickets) that NO REFUNDS will be given unless Sheen is unable to reschedule another show within a year.
Good luck with that.
But what about the press?
Sheen absolutely must be gearing up for the barrage of press that is going to hit Monday during the prime-time news cycles. Every station in every city is going to be running “Sheen Bombs” stories – including CNN, Fox News, Good Morning America, The Today Show, and countless others.

And what about websites like TMZ? They are going to have a field day with all this and it will only ramp up as the week progresses.
At some point, Sheen himself will have to come forward and personally address how he thinks things are going.
It will be brutal to watch. A full-blown break down or melt down cannot be too far off in the distance. Then maybe he can get the help he really needs.