in flowers

Saturday, May 30, 2009

No, predstavljam vam moje novo krilo iz trgovine c&a. Čisto sem navdušena, tako da sem ga morala še isti dan obleči. Taka sem :D

Zunaj je tako mraz, da sploh ne vem kaj naj oblečem. Še včeraj sem okoli skakala v kratkih hlačah, danes je pa 12 stopinj :S To ni normalno..

This is my new skirt from the store C & A. Of course I have to immediately put him on the same day when I bought it, like any new clothes that I buy .

Temperatures are so low that I do not know what to wear.

Yesterday, I still jump around in shorts, but today is 12 degrees . :S

this is not normal.

asos little bag, vintage jeans jacket, h&m cardigian, c&a skirt