Combating Female Hair Loss

Thursday, September 30, 2010

For many women, concealing their hair loss might seem like a full-time job-- from wearing wigs and altering their hairstyles to trying unproven “remedies” and applying temporary hair cosmetics. Recently, we sat down with Dr. Neil Sadick, renowned dermatologist and researcher to discuss Traction Alopecia and a more permanent solution to reverse hair loss– hair restoration surgery.

Member surveys conducted by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) found that the number of female hair restoration surgical patients worldwide increased from 11.4 percent in 2004 to 15.1 percent in 2008. Why are more women undergoing hair restoration surgery? As a Manhattan hair restoration physician and a member of the ISHRS, Dr. Sadick believes the continued growth in women seeking hair restoration surgery over the years can be directly attributed to the fact that women are tired of temporary fixes and appreciate the gradual, permanent results hair transplants offer that are both natural-looking and virtually undetectable.

Since there are many causes of hair loss – from medical conditions, physical stressors and even certain hairstyles – it is essential that women seek proper diagnosis by a qualified hair restoration specialist. Dr. Sadick offers patients the latest advancements in hair restoration surgery and proven medical treatments that can help women permanently restore their thinning hair.

AHS: Traction Alopecia is one of the most prevalent hair loss problems facing African American women what is it and what can we do to stop it?

Dr. Sadick: Traction alopecia occurs from too much tension applied on a regular basis to the hair shaft. Perms, hot irons (curling or straight irons), tight hair braids and mechanical brushing are common causes. The problem can be stopped by decreasing these mechanical stressors.

AHS: Can Hair Restoration Surgery be used in cases of Traction Alopecia?

DS: No.

AHS: How long is the downtime (if any) from a procedure like Hair Restoration Surgery?

DS: There is minimal swelling for 3 days and some mild discomfort the first night. Sutures are left in place in the donor area for 10 days.

AHS: Will my friends, neighbors, or co-workers be able to tell that I've had "something" done?

DS: No, the results with follicular unit hair transplantation are totally non-detectable.

AHS: Even though Hair Restoration Surgery is not an option for traction alopecia, how much would it run to correct that problem with other treatments?

DS: Traction Alopecia diagnosis is covered by most insurance plans. Work up and treatment costs vary from $500 to $1500 depending on treatment course.