BHB Recommends - William Boyd's Any Human Heart and Brazzaville Beach

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If you haven't already watched this Masterpiece Theater program I recommend that you do.
It is an excellent adaption of William Boyd's novel which tracks the life of a failed author, Logan Mountstuart, from his youth at Oxford through his old age in the south of France. 
Along the way the character has first hand experience with 1920s Paris, the Spanish Civil War, WW2 and Mid-Century Manhattan and 1960s-1970s London.
He also interacts with Ernest Hemmingway, Ian Flemming and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor who are absolutely vile. The Duchess was very well played by Gillian Anderson.

I am a big fan of William Boyd and I particularly liked his novel Brazzaville Beach.

Here's what Charles Michaud had to say about the book in the Library Journal
In a book packed with scientific and mathematical metaphors, Boyd explores how people create, defend, ignore, or subvert the belief systems that govern their lives. If on one level this is an intellectual thriller, on another it is very much an exciting and riveting adventure story, and on yet another a subtle examination of the power grid of personal relationships. Highly recommended.

So, if you haven't already read William Boyd's novels I suggest that you add them to your reading list.