Meyer Lemon Tree Mistakes & a new Balcony Garden: Lifestyle Leak

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

So I'm big on trying to grow things and this year I've even started my very own balcony garden with everything in containers. Last year I purchased a Meyer Lemon Tree and even though I read all about it and thought I was taking good care of it since it gave me tons of beautiful lemons, I almost killed it over the winter.

Healthy Meyer Lemon Tree

I brought my tree inside and left it in front of a window where it would get plenty of sunshine, watered it regularly ensuring the roots never dried out but the soil didn't stay too wet, but what I did wrong was crank the heat. It was winter and I needed to be warm, but I failed to provide my tree with enough humidity, you know how apartment heat can be.

Nursing it back to health

So if you plan on buying your own tree follow these tips:
1. Plant it in a large enough container
2. Water regularly but don't overwater
3. It needs plenty of sun, at least 8 hours a day
4. If you live in an area with cold winters, bring your plant inside follow tips 2 & 3
5. Ensure you mist your plant in the winter or provide it with humidity

I'm still trying to save my tree, it has new growth as you can see it but it's really only growing in on one branch so this tree has a long way to go. I'm tempted to trash it and buy a new one, but where is the fun in that! I'll share more information on the new plants I've planted and guess what?!? One of them is a grape plant!

To stay on top of what's going on with the garden and much more check out my Tumblr!