I'm Juicing!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Wave Nouveau Moisturizer Finishing Lotion 32 oz.Luster's S-Curl Activator/ Moisturizer 8 oz.Care Free Curl Gold Hair/Scalp Spray 16 oz.Lustrasilk Right on Curl Activator Moisturizer 16 Oz

My ladies from LCHF (Long Hair Care Forum) know what the Juice is, but for those of you know have no idea what I'm talking about... the Juice is any moisturizer that was originally created for Jheri Curls.  Yup, Jheri Curl Juice!  So when I say I'm Juicing, that means I'm using Jheri curl juice on my hair.  Ask anyone who had a Jheri curl back in the day and they will tell you that their hair grew like crazy when they had the Jheri curl.  It wasn't the style, it was the moisturization.  Jheri Curl Juices use glycerin as the main moisturization ingredient and hair loves it!  A few of the favorite juices of my fellow Nikos cousins are Care Free Curl GoldS Curl, and my favorite Wave Nouveau, another one is Lustrasilk Right on Curl Activator

Hopefully, Juicing will get my nape on track!  I'll be sure to keep ya posted!