Beach Towel bib? LOVE IT!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brian and I inherited a SLEW of bibs from family members, so while this project won't be something I'm going to be doing soon, it will be something I will do eventually.  EASY PEASY people.  If you can drive a car, you can operate a sewing machine.  This is SO simple!  If you don't have a sewing machine, you can borrow mine.  For reals.  Anyway, Oopsey Daisy posted over at Lilluana with a tutorial.  Her blog is ADORABLE.  Go follow her right now!!!  See ya on the flip side.

I obviously skipped a few steps! Ha!

Oh and ps- I have such an exciting project coming up... you're going to DIE!  So check back.  Promise?  I'm never good at keeping secrets, this is so hard!
