Get Great Hair with Biosilk

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Written by Liz Q. for The Anti Hair Slave

One of the first things a man notices when a lady is sitting at the bar is her hair. When the light catches, and your hair is shining and soft – that’s when you get him! However, nowadays when all we ladies do is straighten, blow dry, curl or in other words, damage our hair with heat, it’s difficult to keep our hair shiny and healthy. Biosilk Silk Therapy has been one of the best products I’ve tested so far. I have thick, wavy hair and all I do is apply a small dab of the serum on and comb through. My hair becomes so silky and soft, but not overly shiny as to be greasy. I get so many compliments! Just be sure not to apply on the roots as that will definitely give a more unfavorable look! I got my Biosilk hair products from Image Beauty simply because it’s a little cheaper and when I order enough stuff, I can get free shipping. However, I’m sure they’re available at your local brick and mortar cosmetics store!

Also, since my hair is thicker than most and I only use a tiny bit, I’m not sure how this would work on fine hair. Have any of you finer hair ladies tried it?